Friday, February 10, 2017

Previous State of the Physical Education Course

Subject of Physical Education in Primary study in 350 classes (1-5), in Lower Secondary Education study in 280 classes (2 hours / week, 70 hours / year) and Higher Secondary Education on 106 classes (as part of the core curriculum) and 140 classes (as part of the curriculum elective or compulsory)

Steps in the implementation of an action plan towards ridimensionit of Physical Education and sports in educational institutions

Order of the Minister of Education and Sports no. 28, dated 07.02.2014 on the "Establishment of working group to review the programs subject of physical education, sports classes and raising the organization of sport activities in educational institutions university system".

Draft Platform for the development of physical and sports in the Albanian education system.

Evaluation of specific opportunities for involvement of 3 classes of the object of physical education and sport in the curriculum of undergraduate education.
Assessment of the current number of physical education teachers, calculating the additional requirements of this number, and the financial effect as a result.
Setting up a working group to adapt the curriculum subject (experts from various educational institutions, teachers and community representatives);
Order no. 299, dated 08. 07. 2014 "Establishment of working group to revise the curriculum in Secondary Education (basic education, in upper secondary education) in order to increase the hours of physical education"

Drafting of documentation in support of the organization of physical education classes (file physical education teacher):
Physical education programs for three cycles of education, primary grades 1-5, and grades 6-9 lower secondary and upper secondary grades 10-12
Individual student cards
Members of the student's health condition
Guidelines for the use (and questionnaire completion card)
DVD illustrative of training complexes for physical education teacher.
Consultation and approval of the above documentation;
Training teachers for elaborating and implementing the above documentation;
Meeting with leaders of the DAR / ZA for the presentation of documentation and then multiplication and its distribution in all schools.
Development of Physical Education Course for School Year 2014-2015

In the 2014-2015 academic year, the course of Physical Education will be held 3 classes per week, in three levels of university education:

Primary education (grades 1-5), 3 hours / week
Lower secondary education (grades 6-9), 3 hours / week
Upper secondary education (grade 10), 3 hours / week

In primary education (grades 1-5), 1 hour of physical education will be developed by higher education teachers who specialize in this subject and 2 hours of classroom teacher, (as has been done so far).

Instruction 23, dated 08.08.2014 for "2014-2015 School Year Pre-University Education System"

Ensure partnership in improving the material base of sports in schools

Foundation "Sports for Children" is a non-profit organization headquartered in Edidhoven, Netherlands, whose activity consists in providing aid, mainly final didactic material base for sports clubs and schools in countries where there is need. This year has brought in Albania for three 9-year-old city of Tirana, gymnastic equipment, teaching aids to help the development of the physical education curriculum. Selected schools that benefited were "Misto Mame": "1 Maj" and "Congress Monastery". The same practice will be used again for other schools of the capital city.

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