About Us

State Matura 2017 is the largest community of students and students online, we offer you a missing window, an online space where all young Albanians can find information, study material, notes, books, announcements for events, trainings , competitions or study opportunities abroad, news about universities, student & academic life, gymnasiums, mature. We supplement the shortcomings of Albanian public education by providing an online information window for all students.

Why does MSH (state mature)?

This community is represented as "State Matura 2017" after all high school students leaving the gymnasium banks we call it 'post-maturant' and because the site is dedicated to all students of Albania, we associate all graduates even after maturity and we support them throughout all student life with study materials such as theses, notes, course assignments, diploma topics as well as announcements, news, guides, video seminars / lectures etc ...

Information & Education Community!

Join us on Facebook: State Matura 2017, the first and largest community of graduates and students in social networks.

How did the State Matura 2017 begin (community history)?

Everything started in September 2014. Once our generation of this mature one had just started the third year, one of the admins entered the facebook page to search for similar sites that helped mature testors. There was no one. Then came the idea to create one that would be called Matura 2012-2015. From the beginning of September to February, the interest was super-low, as the feverish months of our exams approached and the interest was increasing. At first there would be some important announcements that would attract the attention of many mature women, the page began to grow with terrific numbers. At this point our idea began to be copied and we were no longer alone in this kind of page but we had the cover of the beginner creator. The attention would continue to grow with the boxes constructed in a form of play, except that it would be a delightful entertainment, every maturant also taught a lot of new things, information where at the end of the kuitz we proclaimed a winner. And what we will not forget is the days when they were the threshold of exams, the many messages in the page for supposed exams that they had found some people ahead of time and once before we knew it was a fraud and posted both notice and interest was totally crazy. To keep up with the exam days when we just started posting on our emotional pages that were the same or the moments when they came out when we were all anxious and our status captured 2000-3000 comments. We also organized a mini protest for the Literature thesis then. Another idea that would be copied later was posting photos of mature ones. Thousands of inbox messages, and many of my friends on Facebook say more or less: "Am I the only one who sent a photo to Matura 2012-2015? ". Take care of these golden times. Most who did not know us thought we were getting colossal profits from this but our profits were just 0. The only profit was on the start of the school year when all students talked about a Matura 2012-2015 that had helped a lot and we felt proud of what we had achieved. This year we have not been at the same height as we have been with the notion that it would normally not be the same experience but also with the burden of staffing high school continues to give the maximum to deliver what we have been offering for years now . This is shortened the Post of Matura story, thanks for the trust.

Who is behind the State Matura 2017?

At its beginnings there were just 3 (three) graduates who stayed online most of the time on the site, today State Matura 2017 is a large family of many students who help in site management and distribute materials, news and notices to all of you .

But those who make possible State Matura 2017 are the students themselves who have shared with us and all the materials they have used during the years of study, as most of the materials that come out as theses, course assignments, diploma themes, notes etc. ... they sent the students to the inbox or email. Thanks to all those who have chosen to distribute their materials to others, hope that maybe you will do the same thing. Thank you!

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